Agenția de Administrare a Rețelei Naționale de Informatică pentru Educație și Cercetare (Agency ARNIEC/RoEduNet) – Partner
Lead Beneficiary
- WP2 Long Distance Quantum Communications
- WP3 Metropolitan QKD Links
Agenția de Administrare a Rețelei Naționale de Informatică pentru Educație și Cercetare (Agency ARNIEC/RoEduNet) is a public institution under the Ministry of Education and acts as the Romanian NREN.
The Agency operates the national research and education network providing transport services and internet connectivity to all Romanian universities and research institutions, also for a number of libraries, educational institutions and hospitals and administrative bodies. We operate our own DWDM network that spans around the country touching all the major cities, with external connections too. Along the basic services, Agency ARNIEC is running the RoCSIRT - educational CERT, but also other services like digital certificates, identity federation services, digital research content.
Postcode 010362
Street STRADA MENDELEEV 21-25 Country Romania
Contact Person
Octavian Last RUSU
Phone: +40744632339