Clusterul Regional Inovativ De Imagistica Moleculara Si Structurala Nord-est (Imago-mol)

Associated Entity

North East Regional Innovative Cluster for Structural and Molecular Imaging (Imago-Mol), the only medical imaging cluster in Romania is a non-governmental, non-profit organization whose objectives are to support the growth of scientific competitiveness of its members and the economic competitiveness of North East Region in the field of medical imaging by developing a framework for cooperation targeting diversification and optimization of services in this specific area.

IMAGO-MOL Cluster gathers under its umbrella promoters of research and development, innovation and education, consisting in 7 healthcare providers, 30 SMEs active in healthcare services and IT, 6 education and research organizations, 3 associations (including a national coalition of chronic disease patients' organisations), 2 public authorities, 2 facilitators.

The cluster will facilitate the communication&dissemination of project's results towards the regional healthcare ecosystem representatives, consisting in hospitals, SMEs, large companies, academia, research organizations and public bodies.

It will support the implementation of the use case on secure communication of medical data with the help of its member” St. Spiridon” County Hospital of Iasi. A QKD protected datalink between the County Hospital Iasi and the TUIASI Data Center as a safety measure for medical data in transit will be established.


Postcode 700115
Country Romania


Contribution to long-term policy objectives, policies and strategies